Introducing Dame Dragon

“Behind every great man, stands a great woman” someone once said. I can’t say that is always true. Nor can I claim the I am a “great man”. What I can tell you is that there is, indeed, a great woman behind me. Without my Dame Dragon, I can’t begin to guess where I would be right now. Certainly not here typing to you! Not only was I lucky enough to convince Dame Dragon to marry me, but after a lot of cajoling I have convinced her to join me here at She is an amazing soap maker. I’ve long wanted to add her fantastic products to my site and she’s finally agreed. In the coming weeks you will see her products populate on her own page on this site.

Ok, enough about what a great soap maker she is. What’s more important to me is that she is an amazing friend and the love of my life. She is the support network I can’t live without. She’s even willing to be thrown in the “deep end” of things. Last week, I had to take a trip out of state. With no experience or training, she started packing and shipping orders while I was gone. Who does that?? I must also add that I have had 5 books published since 2003 and only one of those books include any poetry. Guess who wrote that amazing, and cryptic, poem? You got - it was Dame Dragon. I should also add that there is an incense mystery hidden in that poem that, so far, nobody has been able to uncover. Check it out in my book “Incense Magick”. Maybe you will be the first!

Check back here often. As soon as it is ready, a link to her page(s) will appear at the top of every page on this site. When you visit her Den, you will see a warning that everything listed is a very limited run and a number of the products will be one-of-a-kind. When you visit, if you find something you like, you should buy it immediately. There is no guarantee that it will still be available the next time you stop by.

I love you Dame Dragon!


Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021


Book Project Update: Outline finished…sort of…