Incense Charcoal & Censer Filler
While there are a few types of natural incense charcoal available for sale, the major brands often purchased by incense users can be filled with potassium nitrate, high-tar coal, or other undesirable ingredients that cause the charcoal to smell terrible and burn far too hot for most incense ingredients.
Charcoal from The Incense Dragon is made from 2 ingredients: natural, handcrafted charcoal and a natural gum binder. That's it! No leftover wood scraps from the plywood industry or smelly chemical oxidizers are used. The result is charcoal that burns evenly with virtually no scent.
Shoyeido Charcoal Is Here!
We’re proud to offer natural incense charcoal from Shoyeido, one of Japan’s foremost incense makers. Before I was able to find powdered charcoal, I used to buy Shoyeido charcoal tablets and powder them in my mortar. This is pure, nearly scentless natural charcoal. If you want to burn loose or powdered incense on charcoal, Shoyeido is an ideal choice.