Moving Away From Plastics

Hopefully, everyone is aware of the environmental impacts of plastic. 

Plastics, especially single-use plastics, are permeating our environment and micro plastics are in our food and our oceans.  It's true that plastic really is the best packaging material for the incense and charcoal that I sell, but I too am very worried about the impact of my product's packaging on the Earth.  Ultimately, most people would agree, the health of the Earth is more important than "ideal" packaging of incense.  I want all of my readers and customers to know that I am in the process of testing alternatives with significantly lower impact to the environment.  Next month I will introduce a new line of Earth-friendly charcoal that is packaged in recyclable materials.  I am testing new packaging for virtually everything I sell in hopes that the Earth will never be damaged by my products.  Check here periodically for more updates.


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